2019 Fireworks
Saturday, June 29th
Lakeland, TN

E-mail us about this website at:

If you wish to be included in an e-mail notification list for quick, updated information, send your e-mail address to (It will be kept private.) We email infrequently so as not to become "spam".
The next meeting of the Garner Lake Association  is scheduled for 7:00pm Tuesday, November 12, 2024 at I. H. Park clubhouse, 4523 Canada Road. Members and visitors are welcome.

They receive absolutely no money for their services. Keep this in mind...EVERY DOLLAR of your dues and fees goes strictly for the benefit of YOUR lake.
Dam Maintenance

You may have noticed the work being performed on our dam.  It’s a much-needed project to protect this most valuable asset of ours.  The dam is close to 70 years old and really needs some attention.  The previous owners (pre-2018) performed very little maintenance on the dam – and all their efforts were reactive, not proactive.  Garner Lake Management (GLM) is trying to be more proactive in its efforts to protect this asset – and the importance is obvious.  No dam = No lake.
Since June we’ve spent over $150,000 to add much-needed riprap (white rock) to the front of the dam.  This will prevent erosion and deter animals from burrowing into the dam, both of which create structural issues.    There’s still more work to be completed. Trees need to be cut and dirt placed in ruts on the back side.  This could be achieved with residence volunteering for another dam clean-up day.  We are in the planning phases for an October dam day.  We also are planning to have a dam fund raiser and are looking for volunteers to help organize it.  Remember 7 years ago we had no money to buy the lake or do maintenance, all that has been accomplished is possible because of the lake dues and donations paid to GLM. 100% of the money collected by GLM goes to the well-being of the lake.  GLM is manned by lake residents who are all non-paid volunteers.

           Outside Wildlife Not Allowed
It appears that someone recently released a large number of ducks into the lake. THIS IS NOT  PERMITTED. No one may introduce any outside wildlife including ducks, geese, fish, plants, etc. into the lake without written permission of Garner Lake Management, LLC. If you know of someone in violation of this, please email 

Lake Safety

We have had reported near misses this year due to boats and kayaks not being properly illuminated at night. Boats require navigation lights if they are being operated between sunset and sunrise or whenever visibility is reduced. Motorized boats under sail require port (red) and starboard (green) lights and a white all-round mast light. A motorized boat that is anchored away from their dock require a white all-round mast light. Non-motorized boats (kayaks, paddle boards, etc.) requirw a white light (flashlight, lantern, etc.). These are basic boating safety rules that apply to everyone and are for your safety..

     One rule we still need to educate several boaters about...Pontoon boats do not have headlights; those are docking lights which blind other boaters. Turn them off when cruising on the lake.


Contact GLM at (901) 388-9176 for information.

Remember this number is staffed by a volunteer

and may not be answered every day.



Contact us at: .

LAKE RULES... Have you read them?  You must be familiar with and abide by the Rules or you could be banned from the lake.
The Official Rules are on this website on the page Rules of the Lake.


Peak occurred on March 10, 2016  21.0" above the overflow.

The lake stage is based on the overflow at the weir on the west end of the dam.  Zero is the level at which water will begin to flow over the lip of the weir.  -6.0 means the lake must rise 6 inches to reach the lip of the weir.  +6.0 would mean the water will continue to flow into the weir until the lake level drops 6 inches.

4th of July Fireworks
are scheduled for
Saturday, July 5, 2025

See for details and information on donations, or join the Facebook group Everything
Garner Lake.
Our Lake Rangers are:
Brian Hale (901) 229-6744
Chris Murphy (901) 486-3296
Jonny Filsinger (901) 417-1820.
If you see "outsider boats" or other Rules violations on the lake, please call or text the Lake Ranger.  Your cooperation helps all of us and our property values by keeping the lake private and safe for all.

Click on PDF above for 2019 Garner Lake Fish Survey.
Click on .doc icon for info on Beavers and Beaver Control on Garner Lake